Welcome To Our
Whois API
Our Whois API transforms raw whois into parsed whois JSON and XML output across more than 1500 TLDs. Easy integration with Python,
JavaScript, PHP, Ruby, Java, and other programming languages. Below you can see some functionalities and how to use them. Doing Whois lookups with an API just became so much easier!
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30 days limit. Your first API request as soon as you sign up.
Whois API, Domain Availability API, Screenshot API, Email Blacklist API, SSL API, Email Score API, Domain Score API

Our robust JSON Whois API delivers domain information for hundreds of millions domain names, across hundreds domains registrars and domain extensions. If you want to start making requests today, just scroll down to the signup button. You can start building domain checkers, detect newly registered domains, find expiring domains, and so much more. If you want to read more about what a Whois JSON response looks like, read this article.

Whois API in XML
Structured and parsed raw WHOIS data such as domain registration date, expiry date, reseller information, nameservers, registrar information in XML output. Whois API with parsed Whois record response in XML is available after registration when you will also get an API key. If you want read more about the difference between JSON and XML, and what a Whois XML response looks like, read this article.
Use case examples
Is someone infringing on your trademark? Are you hunting down recently registered “fake” domains? Are you looking for common patterns between phishing websites? Are you looking for 100% accurate domain availability checks? There are many use cases and here we list several. In the past 13 years we’ve helped thousands of companies from around the world.
Cached and live results
We have you covered in case you are looking for the actual live whois result or a cost-effective solution which returns cached results. What do these responses look like? Check the link below to see an example live Whois request. Our clients have made tens of millions API requests, we would be grateful if you joined them.
Whois API Documentation
In our API documentation you can see the input and output parameters for our RESTful based Whois API. Read how you will setup input requests, API status codes and Description for Input Parameters. We have several different APIs, so it’s important to learn how to work with them separately. You can always contact our support, and we have dedicated how-to pages and code examples to assist you.
Code examples for Whois API
If you need help setting up your first API request then check code examples in PHP, Javascript, Ruby, Python, Objective C, C# (.NET) and Java. You will still have a lot of work ahead of you to build an entire application, but hopefully this will help you make the first step. Don’t forget to check our dedicated how-to pages and API documentation. Also our support team is standing by.
I am always on a lookout for obscure APIs and want to get my hands on them before everybody else. Same with WhoAPI, only I used the heck out of them!
Modest Inc.
Harper Reed
Get 10,000 API requests!
For new users only. You don’t need a credit card, just a reputable email address.
30 days limit. Your first API request as soon as you sign up.
Whois API, Domain Availability API, Screenshot API, Email Blacklist API, SSL API, Email Score API, Domain Score API