By WhoAPI, Inc.
Case studies
Some of the biggest companies in the world have used our APIs, our software. These companies usually get us to sign strict contracts, and we are unable to share how exactly they are using our APIs, and what for. In some cases we do manage to get more information, and sometimes even a written proof. Below are these use cases.

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Case study: King
One of the biggest gaming companies in the world used our Whois API in their cybersecurity efforts. King used to identify and generate indicators of compromise for further investigation and it was an essential datapoint.

Case study: Wikimedia
Wikimedia, the organization behind one of the most reputable websites,, was using our Whois API. They were checking information on domain names that could potentialy infringe their trademark.
Case study: Kickbox
Kickbox is a startup that helps businesses verify email addresses effectively. In an effort to promote industry best practices for email collection, we use WhoAPI as an integral part of our automated compliance system. This system enables us to identify potential risks to our network.
Case study: was a suite of tools we developed using all our APIs. It had thousands of free users, but we learned a lesson that you can’t build something and then look for buyers. Even so, this article shows what our APIs are capable of, and how they look like in production.
New case study?
Would you like us to include your company as our case-study? Please contact us, and we would be happy to include you even if you are no longer our client or using our APIs actively.
Important Notice
Please read the API documentation before you start using our APIs in production.
The API key used in these examples is for demonstrative purposes and can be used only to check the domain name!