Frequently asked questions


Our APIs transform raw domain data into machine readable outputs. Click on the API for a more detailed view, with instructions on how to use the function and the output.

Q: Why is my account suspended?

A: There was a breach of TOS. Please open a support ticket for more detailed information. Account suspension is handled on a case-by-case basis.

Q: How can I change my main account email address?

A: You need to log in to the WhoAPI dashboard. After you are logged in, in the main menu look for the “Account” option. Click the “Change email” button next to your email address and enter the desired email address.

Q: I have created a new account and tried to make an API request using my API key. It’s responding with an Account Suspended message?

A: There was a breach of TOS. Please contact support for more detailed information. Account suspension is handled on a case-by-case basis.