Many times, you would be surprised to see your business putting up a below average performance, and intriguingly, you might not be able to decipher what the underlying causes behind it are.
To put it straight, it’s your website speed that does more damage to your trade than any other factors that you might assume are posing challenges for your ordinary-performing venture.
Analyzing this closely, you may well come across more than one reasons for slow speed. Issues with Image Optimization, Webpage Compression, and Image Caching are a few elementary things that should be attended to first.
Now if you are an e-commerce entity, then you certainly need to be watchful, as an optimal application of rich images and snapshots in high volumes is what defines your online business.
Recently, I came across an interesting article wherein the end users were given a survey to rate if it is the web functionality or the design that should take priority, and the result was pretty much in sync with the growing customer expectations.
The ‘Additional Comments’ section had an outbreak of remarks where the users expressed ‘Website speed’ as the fundamental parameter even for a website that has the finest design.
But it doesn’t end with just design issues. Cumbersome files, use of not-so-useful plugins, and even poor hosting, which perhaps don’t attract much notice but lead to some real web performance anguish.
Multi-vendor market places, independent merchants, and other online businesses must maintain their websites constantly. A hint of limp in web monitoring can have sweeping effects.
Another interesting aspect of a slow performing website, especially for an online store that capitalizes with an exclusive product on the offering, is that the change in trend is generally noticed at a later stage.
This can be seen when the focus is diverted to assessing the average time taken for each transaction for that product.
With slow performance, your business instantly sacrifices on the user experience.
Your customers always hold the power to go for an alternative, and that gives them a realistic and logical reason to explain their problems and uneasiness with confiding in your services.
Your thirst for business expansion is primarily driven by the fact that all your assets are performing and giving you the desired return, so any investment made in your website in terms of deployment and maintenance should largely be assessed on all counts for good web performance.
It is commonly believed that as long as the revenues are steady, one would not bother chasing around the hosting vendors for the uptime/downtime metrics; however, this is something more than imperative, as you may well be failing to get the true value of your business.
Let me take you through an infographic that sheds some light on what actually is being compromised due to our ignorance.
Though it might just make your joyride a little bumpy, it sure will make a difference to your business by keeping your website in that first concern list.
This infographic is brought to you by: Hosting Facts